Camden/Wollondilly Domestic Violence Committee acknowledges the following businesses/services who have developed Domestic Violence Policies for the workplace. These businesses are to be commended for acknowledging that there is a need for the provision of leave for women at work who may need time off in relation to their Domestic Violence issue.
They developed their policy after the 2014 White Ribbon Day Business Breakfast. They have also accessed training through the DV Committee for their staff on issues of Domestic Violence.
They developed their policy in 2015. This community legal centre recognise the need for provision for female staff in relation to issues of Domestic Violence. Macarthur Legal Centre are also the auspice for the Macarthur Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service.
They developed their Domestic Violence policy in 2015.
They developed their Domestic Violence policy in 2016.
Camden/Wollondilly Domestic Violence Committee also acknowledge Tabcorp Park Menangle for displaying information in the female toilets about Domestic Violence and the supports available.